Tag Archives: Coeur d’Alene Mines

The Good Book…

This incredible book might be titled Golf Trip 2010 but it should really be called Jane's Book.

Just when there seems nothing that can pull me out of a winter funk – my golf swing is laughable, the Harley won’t start and Felicia has severely limited my carb intake – comes a package from my friend Jane in Des Moines.

Inside was a coffee table-quality hardcover book about last September’s guy’s golf trip to Coeur d’Alene.  Full color photos with narrations and commentary.  Jane let the pictures do the talking but the book spoke loudly about her.  Every bone in her body is creative.  This is indeed The Good Book from a golfer’s point of view.  It’s on the coffee table now, and that’s where it will stay.


February 2, 2011

Jane: I haven’t bothered to check this morning to see if Phil-the-divined-rodent has seen his shadow or not but I don’t much give a damn: I’m calling for an immediate halt to winter across all time zones and borders.  You saw it here first.  That may not be much salve to you up in Des Moines but hopefully it will work here first.  FYI…our daffodils are already bucking the wintery trend by poking their heads up.  Why a rodent in Pennsylvania is allowed to forecast weather is beyond me.  That should be left to the pros.

I just am at a loss for words about your book.  Honestly, it just threw me for a loop.  How in the world do you summon such creativity on demand all the time?  First it was the invitation and the subsequent flood of well done details for Coeur d’Alene, than this arrives in the mail.  Furstenau and I have texted back and forth about it and for him to use the word “awe” is something in itself.  It is now resting on an honored spot on my coffee table next to the channel changer and assorted paperwork that should be stowed somewhere else.  This sort of work is your calling, and if you can catch a breath of air from riding herd over your three – I’m including Dave in that mix – then such books are where you should spend your time.  By the way, whatever became of the recipe book you were doing a few years back?  It should deserve this kind of publishing.  I offered to send it to Ellen for a quick look but she wants to see it next time she comes to Charlotte.  I think I just found the creative director for my book, whenever the time comes for it.

I’ve reiterated to your Dave that the welcome mat is out down here.  Not to sound like a shill for the local chambers of commerce, but I will throw the North and South Carolina hats into the ring to get everyone to pay a visit down here for golf and socializing…and that would include the spouses, too.  Our weather will beat your weather on all counts.   Never in a million years, however, would my feeble attempts at organization in any way, shape or form match yours, so I will exercise my right to subcontract a portion of that out to you.  I would foresee Charleston or Savannah in the group’s future, given that the other boys tend to like things that float.  My days with boats are long gone.  Really, a visit by everyone would be a great thing.  You have my permission to run that up the flagpole of everyone in Des Moines.  I’ll send some sort of note in that regard to the others in the DDD&B fraternity.

Well, I’m again grateful to be on the receiving end of your creativity.  You have gone above and beyond or however to deign to describe it.  I miss all of you very much, but don’t let me continue to whine about the invitation to all of you to visit.  Consider the door open.

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